How to Create a Dystopian world

How to Create a Believable Dystopian World

The first thing you need to do is decide what kind of world you want to build. There are many different types of dystopian settings like post-apocalyptic, futuristic, cyberpunk and others. The type of setting you choose will determine how your characters live their lives, what they wear, eat, drink, etc. So it's important that you know exactly what you want before you start designing the world. You can use any number of sources for inspiration. I used this one when I wrote my own ...


dystopia definition

What is Dystopia and Where Do We See it in Real Life?

A dystopia is an imagined state or society in which the conditions of life are extremely bad, as from deprivation, oppression, or terror. We see dystopias in books and movies all the time. But where do we see them in reality? There are many examples of dystopian societies throughout history, fiction, and even right in front of our eyes today. Dystopian Societies in Fiction There are many examples of dystopian societies in fiction. A few examples include The Hunger Games, 1984, and ...
